Helps support healing on Dry-Cracked Paws, Noses & Elbows! Safe to Lick!
With Calendula, Organic Sunflower Seed oil (Vit. E), Beeswax, Aloe and Organic Lavender Essential. A layer of Protection from climate in Winter. Locks in moisture!
- With Calendula, Aloe & Organic Lavender Essential oil.
- The Goodness of Organic Sunflower seed oil.
- Calendula and Aloe infused oils.
- No petroleum derived ingredients.
- Like a BIG lip balm! Easy to apply!
- Penetrates Deep & Fast!
- Safe to lick! Apply as often as you like!
Apply a few times a week for regular protection-more often when you need it! Great for small to medium dogs.
- Restores lost elasticity and pliability of paw pads.
- A layer of protection from salt or other ice-melters this time of year!
NO petroleum derived ingredients-with Babassu oil and beeswax!
Calendula infused Organic Sunflower seed oil, Aloe, Beeswax, ecosoy wax, Organic Lavender Essential oil, Babassu oil.
*Apply just before heading out on your walks (so dogs won't jump on pantlegs, sofas, or across floors).